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festilitt enfants


Thursday, October 10 Laetitia Cador, storyteller, creates links between words and the body with the show “Qui dit noir dit blanc”. (NURSERY, KINDERGARTEN)

Friday, October 11, Céline Monchoux, author and teacher in a medical-educational institute, offers two Wakatoon cartoon workshops. (KINDERGARTEN, CP, CE1 AND CE2)

Jean Poderos, author and director of the “Courtes et Longue” publishing house, introduces the publishing profession based on his book “Jacques marin d’eau douce”. (CM1 AND CM2)

Céline Monchoux and Jean Podéros will be signing their books with the Le Tracteur Savant bookstore.

And of course, there’s Festilitt’s Grand goûter (the Big Snack) organized for children and their families and this year based on the theme of “Fairy tale heroes”.

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