Support us

Bringing a literature festival to life every year is a great collective endeavour.
Anyone can get involved and provide support in a range of different ways:
You can support us financially by becoming a friend or patron, you can donate good quality second-hand books, and you can become a volunteer, helping out in the run up to the event and the weekend itself.
Become a friend or patron
Friend and patron status is valid for one year, with a minimum donation of 20€ (friend) or 50€ (patron) although you can, of course, donate more. If you are a French taxpayer, this donation entitles you to a 66% tax credit, which means that in reality it will only cost you 7€ to become a friend, and 17€ to become a patron!
By cheques
Please make cheques payable to Association Festival Littéraire de Parisot and send to La Médiathèque, 82160 PARISOT.
By bank transfer
If you prefer to do a bank transfer, please use the details below and don’t forget to
add your full name to the reference details.
IBAN : FR76 1120 6201 7000 0909 7893 465
By Paypal
Access the secure Paypal platform to make a donation directly to our association account. Pay by your Paypal account or with your credit card.
Donate second-hand books
Every year we run a huge sale of second-hand books in French and English, which is open in the mairie all weekend. This is a great opportunity for you to declutter your bookshelves and support us at the same time. Unfortunately, we can only accept recent books in good condition. For more information, please email
Become a volunteer
There are loads of ways to get involved – transporting or hosting authors, taking part in our fundraising safari gourmand, setting up and clearing away for the weekend, selling books, making cakes, serving teas, and so the list goes on. If you would like to join a fun, supportive and engaged team of volunteers, we will find something meaningful for you to do! Email for more information.